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Project 1 | timeline of modern architecture of malaysia

south east kuala lumpur

This research project adopts document analysis methodology that involves documenting, analyzing, producing, and presenting orally a critical chronological interpretation of Modern Malaysian architectural history. This project emphasizes critical analysis of the post Merdeka/Independance of Malaysian architecture in the effort to understand the influences of post-modernism to architectural design and construction, building science and technology, and urban design. The project is to distinguish the way in which many diverse factors contribute to the development of Modern Malaysian architecture. The development of the project would involve active discussion, analysis interpretation and consultation with the tutor.

In a group of 5, the first outcome of the project will be an A3 sized illustrative chronology poster of Modern Malaysian Architecture (hard-copy) that interprets the Modern Malaysian Architectural language and architecture influences to the architectural development of Malaysia in particular. 

project 2 | report (group & individual)

stadium negara, kuala lumpur

Klang Valley is a rich source of architectural heritage dated from pre-colonial, colonial, post independence until present times. The historical richness creates a very vibrant architectural fabric. The modern architecture emerges rapidly from 1950’s to 1970’s as the economic growth spurs. This follows the international style that spreads across the world in 1930’s to 50’s. However, many historical modernistic buildings may face risk of being demolished to make way for more contemporary buildings. Thus, by recording, documenting and analysing the buildings, we can contribute to preserve the historical evidence of the valuable Modern Architecture in Klang Valley. The findings are to be compiled in essays and to be submitted using a web book platform. Web book is a publication in digital form, consisting

of text (report), images, or both. 

In a group of 5, we will conduct a research and architectural analysis on a selected building. Each group will select ONE building from the given list. The group may also choose their own modern buildings around Klang Valley. Among the buildings that can be chosen, my group chose Stadium Negara, Kuala Lumpur

Report on Stadium Negara, Kuala Lumpur |

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